Thiago and I, we had our last presentations on Tuesday this week - we chose this early date for the last presentation as there were rumours that there would be a big group presentation on Thursday this week and of course we needed to consolidate all material we provided at the end of the assignment.
Unfortunately I got ill Monday night, so I knew it would be a tough day. It really was not easy to present with fever and a running nose, but I put all my heart in preparing my presentation of some sales trainings so I really wanted to present the material to them. As expected, all the sales employees of Galaxy came to listen to the presentation and the little conference room at Systop headquarters was packed with nearly 30 people. I will add some pictures for you to get an impression - it was great to see their real interest. When I was looking in their faces while I was speaking, I saw that they were all listening closely and when I gave examples I saw nodding and smiling and "yes, I know this situation"-muttering.
Let me leave you with some pictures, then I will return to my bed to recuperate from this silly cold. My colleagues were looking after me in a really heart-warming way - I could not have got any better care, thank you, you are truly sweet!
more and more seats were carried in our little meeting room.. I was looking at Thiago - take a deep breath.. |
no space left in this small room |
everybody busily taking notes |
I was touched by the real interest |
the sales and marketing crew of Galaxy Talent after the presentation |
less people at Thiago's "website development" presentation - less in number, but certainly not less interested |
all carefully listening to Thiago's suggestions |
it is rewarding to see these faces - it was worth to work that hard |
the software development and operation center people after the presentation |
Tonghong alias "Vivian" and myself (I am the one with the red nose...) |
Wuzhibin proudly posing with "King Handsome" |
- Sue